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Results (6)
Ó Macháin, Pádraig, “The digitisation of Irish manuscripts: beyond and beneath the visible image”, Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 12 (2022): 43–56.

This paper outlines the indebtedness of current digital capture, processing and display of Gaelic manuscripts to scholarly innovators and pioneers of the nineteenth century. It then reviews highlights of the deep-digitization project, Irish Script on Screen (, which was launched in 1999 and continues today. It is shown how current developments in spectroscopy and multi-spectral imaging allow us to complement and build upon traditional digital techniques and display.

Corrigan, Sarah, “Incrementally does it: new perspectives and new opportunities in early medieval digital humanities”, Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 12 (2022): 57–71.

This article engages with the Digital Humanities as they relate to the field of early medieval textual analysis in Ireland. The starting point for this piece is the Irish Research Council New Foundations “Early Medieval Digital Humanities” Project, coordinated by the author in 2019. These workshops fostered discussion and collaboration between two IRC Laureate Projects, “Ireland and Carolingian Brittany: Texts and Transmission”, led by Dr. Jacopo Bisagni (Classics, NUIG), and “Irish Foundations of Carolingian Europe”, led by Dr. Immo Warntjes (History, TCD), and numerous international scholars and experts in the field of early medieval DH. In addition to reporting some of the outcomes and insights of this project, this article also offers a selective survey of ongoing work in this field.

Doran, Michelle, “Introducing the digital humanities in Ireland Landscape Report dataset”, Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 12 (2022): 33–42.

The UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network was jointly funded in July 2020 by the Irish Research Council (IRC) and the UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) under the ground-breaking Collaboration in Digital Humanities Networking Grant Scheme. The joint aims of the Network were to: a) undertake research and consultation towards the implementation of a permanent UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association; and b) to develop a clear roadmap for collaboration in the field between the two countries. An ancillary objective of the Irish Network members is to provide an up-to-date evaluation of the role and scope of Digital Humanities in Ireland, both past and present, to facilitate longer-term thinking about Digital Humanities so that we might optimise future developments in the field, including the nascent UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association. To that end, the respective partners are developing a Digital Humanities in Ireland Landscape Report. The research informing the Landscape Report will be delivered in two phases. The initial phase took place between March and September 2021 and comprised the identification via desk research, collection and collation of data pertaining to Digital Humanities entities in Ireland. The second phase of the data gathering/collection exercise entails the presentation of the preliminary dataset to the wider Digital Humanities community for input and suggestions. To that end, we have created an Open Science Framework (OSF) repository. This contribution introduces the Digital Humanities in Ireland Landscape Report dataset, its methodology and primary sources and offers some preliminary observations and analysis. It concludes with some suggestions for potential use cases and further directions for the dataset.

McDonough, Ciaran, “‘Death and renewal’: translating Old Irish texts in nineteenth-century Ireland”, Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 4 (2014): 101–111.
Binasco, Matteo, “Le migrazioni irlandesi in Francia fra il XVI secolo e i primi decenni del XIX secolo. Lo status quaestionis”, Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 4 (2014): 163–179.
Pellizzi, Carlo Maria, “Ibernia fabulosa: per una storia delle immagini dell'Irlanda in Italia”, Studi irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 1 (2011): 29–119.

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